Welcome to 2TravelGuys.com!

Europe, here we come!

After a couple of years being stuck at home due to the pandemic, it’s time to travel again. We are going to...
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Countdown is on… We’re ready to fly.

After many months, yes, too many months we are ready to FLY! More to follow soon. Including  flight planning, itinerary plans, apartment...
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We Are
As the name implies, two guys who love to travel around the world and experience different cultures. Our mission is to find inexpensive ways to see the world, resulting in the best bang for your dollar, euro, pound, or krone.

Who We Are…
One of us is a linguist and historian who is perpetually on the look out for travel deals. The other is a photographer whose artistic talents you’ll see throughout this site. Americans by birth, but global citizens by choice, we want to experience as much of the world as we can.